Don't pay to much attention to that foolish monkey, it is what it is ..
What btw he actually was trying to point out with the screen shot is that your friendica post shows up on mastodon, where most people are, like a post with a link to another page if you use the titel option in friendica. So depending of your goal you might want to have that detail in mind.
Basically I use #friendica from #desktop @Julien, and due to it's powerful options "under the hood" I recommend to become familiar with that layout too @Captain Steph.
Not sure if #Raccoon is designed exclusively for friendica but I do know that @Hank G ☑️'s #relatica is, apparently there is even some desktop version too.
Actually if I had to choose only one platform as an option for each kind of #fediVerse screenView use case, I'd choose friendica for desktop and mastodon for cellphone every time. #Decentralization calls nearly by default for more than one profile and microblogging is for a handy screen while desktop is for #newsPaper like edition of content. And friendica is a little bit like that. Your very own #newsPaper site in the internet.
That way your mastodon profile becomes your #chatAPP and your friendica profile on the desktop that follows your #mastodonChatAPP profile gets every conversation pushed into the stream in a brilliant page view to #readTheRoom.
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en réponse à Julien • •Julien aime.
jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
en réponse à Julien • • •Hola, e bienvenue!
oui, oui .. o ¿no!
Je'n parle pa francaise.
En español "billete" es dinero:
Money, franc, Moneten, Penunzen, Kohle ..
¿Ce tre expensive "el billete" open source?
en réponse à jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ • • •Hi there @Julien and welcome!
Don't pay to much attention to that foolish monkey, it is what it is ..
What btw he actually was trying to point out with the screen shot is that your friendica post shows up on mastodon, where most people are, like a post with a link to another page if you use the titel option in friendica. So depending of your goal you might want to have that detail in mind.
Julien aime.
en réponse à utopiArte • •Thanks for the info!
utopiArte aime.
Captain Steph 🇨🇦
en réponse à Julien • • •aiment
Julien et Lache Anonyme aiment.
en réponse à Captain Steph 🇨🇦 • •Mais j'explore encore. :)
J'utilise avec l'application Raccoon sur Android.
Captain Steph 🇨🇦
en réponse à Julien • • •Julien aime.
en réponse à Julien • • •#fediTips
Basically I use #friendica from #desktop @Julien, and due to it's powerful options "under the hood" I recommend to become familiar with that layout too @Captain Steph.
Not sure if #Raccoon is designed exclusively for friendica but I do know that @Hank G ☑️'s #relatica is, apparently there is even some desktop version too.
Actually if I had to choose only one platform as an option for each kind of #fediVerse screenView use case, I'd choose friendica for desktop and mastodon for cellphone every time. #Decentralization calls nearly by default for more than one profile and microblogging is for a handy screen while desktop is for #newsPaper like edition of content. And friendica is a little bit like that.
Your very own #newsPaper site in the internet.
That way your mastodon profile becomes your #chatAPP and your friendica profile on the desktop that follows your #mastodonChatAPP profile gets every conversation pushed into the stream in a brilliant page view to #readTheRoom.
Julien aime.